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Old May 1st 04, 09:28 AM
Meyer Gottesman
Posts: n/a
Default For sale: Partial interest in AM/FM station in Virginia.

For sale:

(The "Radio Crazy" it is baaaaakkkkk!!!)

Partial interest in AM/FM station in small Virginia
college town. This is a joint venture and there is an
element of risk. You heard it first here, kiddies!

Active or inactive "marks" (whoops, I mean
investors)with $20,000 or more each are welcome. No
individual can hold more than 49 percent. This goes
for me!

I am a semi-retired broadcast engineer living in
Macon, GA. If you lived in Macon, you'd want to move
to Virginia too! (Sarcastic evil leer!)


a-(My parole officer)Mr. Larson E. Rapp, c/o Zing Zing
prison, Ossingstink, NY 12345.

b-(Trade reference)Brazilian Bandit Airways, 10 Thug
Blvd, Oshkosh, WI 45678. Bought a one-way ticket to
Rio using small unmarked bills. Don't worry, the
flight will not leave until I have your investment(s)!

Tel: (478)741-1710.


Meyer Gottesman, W6GIV
aka The "Radio Crazy"
aka Moron Gottesman
aka Maven Gottesman

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