March 9th 04, 03:50 PM
I see that Astron does make what you want. www.astroncorp.com . I didn't see
prices, or info as to where you can buy them. So, you would probably have to
call them.
"Tam/WB2TT" wrote in message
Assuming there is a common ground, and input and output are the same
polarity, what you want is called a buck converter. To roll your own,
National and TI make chips. To buy a whole unit you need to go to a non
hobby distributor's web site like Newark, Allied, Avnet, or Arrow. Some
manufacturers of these things are Astec, Condor, Cosell, Elpac, and
"Richard Harrison" wrote in message
Off topic, but you can`t power an antenna without power to the
I`m looking for a d-c to d-c converter that takes 28 volts on the input
and supplies 12 volts on the output. Up to 8 amperes may regularly be
drawn from the supply. That`s about 100 watts.
I need it now. That`s why I`m imposing on this group. There is no more
knowledgeable group to ask that I know of. I don`t have time to build
anything, though I`ve built such inverters and converters.
A simple voltage divider or regulator is too lossy for high utilization.
I need lossless resistance.
Maybe there is an applicable aircraft converter that is surplus
somewhere, or maybe there is a stock automotive item as there are such
28-volt battery systems used in some big rigs. I`m in a hurry or I would
quietly do all the hunting myself and not bother anybody.
I would like rugged, reliable, efficient, replaceable, and cheap.
Thank you in advance for directions to the source of my d-c step-down
Please excuse the misuse of this forum, but I believe it is my best
resource for most things technical and unusual.
Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI