Thread: Ads on Radio
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Old May 30th 04, 05:35 PM
Paul Jensen
Posts: n/a

"OIE" wrote in message ...

Maybe get off of the sports station?

I purposely didn't mention the kind of radio, just because it seems to
be on all of it, but just curious, what kind of decent ads do you
hear? Maybe they're just slipping past me.

I hear "decent" ads all the time. Whether it's national ads for places like
Sears or Radio Shack, or local ads for restaurants, stores, etc., radio is
full of them! Now I do spend a couple hours a day on the local sports
station, and there one will hear the type of spots you mentioned, plus ads
for local adult stores, plus of course "male enhancement."

Some of these ads are tasteless in my opinion, but they may not be in
somebody else's opinion. This is a free country and the right to discuss
male enhancement goes along with the right to critisize the government. Now
as for anyone stupid enough to think any of this crap would actually work,
maybe they deserve to be seperated from their money. If anyone is
perpatrating a fraud, then they should be prosecuted, but until such time as
that happens, they have just as much right to the airwaves as Sears does.