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Old June 3rd 04, 06:34 AM
Meyer Gottesman
Posts: n/a
Default For sale: Partial interest in fulltime AM station in Savannah, Georgia.

For sale:

Partial interest in fulltime AM station in Savannah,
GA. If I have to explain Savannah to you, you don't
belong there!

Joint venture. Active or inactive investors with
$25,000 or more each are welcome. Total asking price
will be about $500,000. NO real estate is included.

For the "unwashed", Savannah has a population of about
200,000 and about 300,000 in the metro area. It is one
of the most beautiful cities in the South.

All investors would be on the board with full voting
rights if desired.

Disclaimer: (Big Brother made me do it!!)There is an
element of risk and you could lose all or part of your

Tel: (478)741-1710 in Macon, GA. I am a semi-retired
broadcast engineer.


a)My parole officer. Mr. Larson E. Rapp, c/o Zing-Zing
prison, Ossingstinker, NY 12345. Tel: 1-800-IMA-THUG.

b)Trade reference...Brazilian Bandit Airways, Oshkosh,
WI. (Those in the aviation "know" we see the
connection to Oshkosh)... Purchased a one-way ticket
to Rio using all small and unmarked bills. Do not
worry, will not leave until the investment funds are

Only those fully identifying themselves will be
furnished callsign.

The references are in fun, the deal is VERY REAL!!


Meyer Gottesman, W6GIV
aka the "Radio Crazy"
aka Moron Gottesman
aka Maven Gottesman

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