Radio Ad Rant
A currently increasing practice in radio advertisements includes
longer and longer "disclaimers" of one sort or another read in a
rapid-fire voice. I may be imagining it, but some of these
disclaimers account for a third or more of the ad time.
I doubt I'm the only one who finds them excessively annoying. In
fact, they are so annoying that I can't tell you what products are
being sold (autos? financial products?) and when I tune away to
another station to get away from these ads (which is inevitable), its
likely that I won't return for a while. So not only are they
ineffective, they've got serious unintended consequences.
The "disclaimers" themselves are probably of dubious legal effect,
given the fact that they're nearly incomprehensible and probably not
complete in any event. If some legal department thinks its really
necessary, it would be far better to make a brief reference to another
source for more information and sell the product and not try to cut