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Old July 9th 04, 05:14 AM
David Eduardo
Posts: n/a

"misterfact" wrote in message
"David Eduardo" wrote in message news:cchg2n$4d8

But a person who chats about social and political issues is chatting... a
form of entertainment.

How about a talk show host who reads a news story from a news
service posting and inserts his own LIES in the story- and passes it
off as having been read verbatum? HuM?

How do you know that? The news services the media get are often not the same
content as what you can get for free online. And a news commentator can,
legitimately, insert comments as they read a story. An analogy would be a
movie commentator who inserts comments between movie clips.

Rush Limbaugh, in the 1988 R&R Talk Radio Seminar in Washington, stated
was first and foremost an entertainer. Talk shows are listened to for
entertainment value. News shows are listened to for their informational

Paraphrasing a Spanish saying, "you can't get pears from an elm tree."

Who ever brought up the name "Limbaugh" in all this? Why would you
immediately mention Rush Limbaugh regarding this topic of falsifying
the news?

I brought up Limbaugh because he made the statement I wanted to cite. If
Mickey Mouse had made it, I would credit the rhodent instead. The point was
to show that even the most listened to host is aware that talk shows based
on commentary are entertainment.

Limbaugh is hardly an expert at labeling himself.

And out of the millions who listen to him, you are the only one perceptive
enough to spot a lie? Or maybe the other 19,999,999 people realize he is
commenting, engaging in hyperbole, making fun of things, and generally
trying to entertain.

when ANYONE professes to be reading facts (wether from a news service
or from a medical journal)- and inserts his own LIES and then tells us
"I'm reading this verbatum"- YOU may label that "entertainment" but I
think most of us label it something else.

You label it your way. You are playing salmon in this argument, and doing
some serious swimming upstream against the current.

p.s. Are you Rush Limbaugh posing as David Eduardo?

No, I Am The Walrus.