Talk show host LIE concerning asbestos
Another LIE from one of the fabricators in the radio talk show
"There are two types of asbestos: one is potentially lethal and one
is as harmless as a Cheez Doodle... The Cheez Doodle variety of
asbestos is known as chrysotile. It accounts for 95% of the asbestos
used in the United States. And it is utterly, totally harmless"
Fact: Experts disagree over how serious a health risk is posed by
chrysotile asbestos found in buildings. But there is no debate over
the fact that chrysotile asbestos- has killed thousands of asbestos
workers by giving them lung cancer and pulmonary fibrosis
(asbestosis). There is no word from the EPA about the possibile
toxicity of Cheez Doodles.
Question: why would a national talk show host lie about chrysotile
asbestos? Was (is) this host being paid by the asbestos industry for
trying to encourage his listeners to pressure their representatives in
Congress to lay off the asbestos industry with further regulation-
through the use of THE LIE?!
There is a continuing appearance of impropriety- i.e FCC law-breaking
by radio talk show host(s) who are promoting consumer products through
the use of THE LIE !