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Old August 28th 04, 07:17 AM
Tom Betz
Posts: n/a

Quoth "Mike T." in news:cgntkf$bia$1

Among the Clear Channel stations, this stands out like a
token black at a KKK meeting.

Not at all. Air America is making money for Clear Channel in
the markets where they have tried it (most clearly in Portland
OR on KPOJ -- they put it on WINZ in Miami in mid-July, still
too early to tell what's happening there), so they are
expanding it to several of their other underperforming
stations (like KLSD -- stands for Liberal San Diego, despite
the obvious double meaning) and WLBY 1290 Ann Arbor, Michigan
(short for "libby"). They say they plan on introducing it
into two more top 25 markets over the next month, but haven't
said where yet.

It may provide them with some political cover as a side
benefit, but Clear Channel, like most big corporations, is
primarily about Making Money. They see an under-served market
and they are determined to serve it.

Is anyone familiar with these "personalities?"

I've been listening since May to Air America's flagship, WLIB,
so I'm familiar with the Air America lineup. Their
personalities are genuine, mostly entertaining (for example,
Marc Maron has long been one of my favorite political standup
comics, and his approach and material fit well on radio; to my
mind, Al Franken makes me think of what Arthur Godfrey might
have been if he were Jewish; Chuck D is impressive when he's
there; Garofalo impresses, but her sidekick Sam Seder usually
just annoys me; and Randi Rhodes just KILLS) and make a lot of
sense, some more than others. You can sample them yourself no
matter where you are; Air America streams both Real Audio and
Windows Media at

I don't know Ed Schultz (not an Air America personality --
he's syndicated by Jones Network) but I hear that he used to
be a little-known conservative talker who intentionally turned
himself into a liberal version of Rush Limbaugh so as to stand
out from the crowd.

Where was AWOL George W. Bush?
Any government will waste money.
Only the worst waste lives.