En nick smith va escriure en Wed, 10 Mar 2004 15:38:45 -0000:
To stop the arcing, why not put a condenser across
the points, like on my old Morris Minor contact breaker points ?
Not that bad an idea. Had already thought so for a rotable 10/15
rigid dipole. With a 15 pF capacitor / short at 50% on each leg
you get both a good 10 and 15 meters dipole with a little (very
little) extra gain for 10 meters. Operation voltage on capacitor
with 100W is only 170V - No arcing. SWR is about 2 for 28-30 and
1.7 for 15m
(Sorry - couldn't resist that)
(Sorry I couldn't resist either)
Toni - EA3FYA