Unless you are in a major market with huge numbers, dominate the
market I would think you're very lucky to have a contract in the radio
business today.
In a personal service contract what is expected of you,time on air,
sales calls, recorded spots on other shows , personal appearances what
you expect from the company, salary, vacation time, health plan...your
escape clause, their escape clause, how they will promote you
etc....maybe a car, or gas card, expense account to mingle with
clients..and what ever you can think of but you must know how far they
will go. The way I did it even though Wm Morris agency represented me,
I did my own contract all the years I worked at KMPC, in LA. The
mistake many make asking for $25,000 increase and finish up with
$5500.00. I would ask for say 25,000.00 increase and gave them every
reason why I should get that much, how much money I bring into the
station, when you come up with the numbers, they usually reply...how
do you know that? Well I can read the rate card, I'm a business man
and have a pretty good idea about the business on the station, etc,
etc....Didn't mean to write novel..hope I helped.....roger carroll
"Me" wrote in message ...
Hello Gang, I know we have a few 'seasoned pros' who read the newsgroup
Besides the typical salary and bonus issues....Can anyone name some things
that I should put on my "wish list" for my upcoming contract?
Usually 'contract time' is a good time to get a lot of those *little things*
that seem like a pain in the neck at other times.
What would be on your wish list?
Have you heard of anything good that other's in radio have gotten in their
contract negotiation?
Noty looking for the 'tall tales'...but more of the practical things one
can/should include.
Thanks for your help