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Old August 6th 03, 06:13 AM
Tarmo Tammaru
Posts: n/a


Before you decide to remove it, I would see if it can be made to resonate on
20 meters by itself. Ditch the tuner, and see how it performs. As somebody
suggested, see what it does with a ZL or VK, or even W6. I never had any
luck with 20m verticals myself, but talked to an G station on 20 SSB a few
days ago who was using one; sounded fine.

BTW, here is an odd one. I once had a 40 meter vertical with the feedpoint
at about 30 feet and 4 radials, sloping down at about 45 deg. At the same
time I had a 40m dipole at about 50 feet. I made tests with two groups of
hams. The one group was about 400 miles away, the other group about 1100
miles. Without exception, in each group people with verticals preferred my
vertical, and people with horizontal antennas preferred my dipole. Yes, I
know all about polarization not being important for a skywave signal.

"Kristinn Andersen" wrote in message
I just finished putting up a 6m long aluminum tube for a vertical for
10/15/20m. Its length is just over 1/4 wavelength on 20m and