"Dave" wrote in message ...
I haven't been on a CB in a long time, but finally decided to fix or have
fixed the handheld unit my dad gave me twenty years ago. I remembered
keying the mike before attaching the rubber-duck antenna way back when, so I
wasn't surprised when I couldn't get a radio check. Figured out which
transistor was the final amplifier and replaced it, but now there's no one
out there for me to call to. I live on the East side of Houston, where a
lot of trucking goes on, and there was some chatter in the mornings a few
weeks ago, but it has died out to nothing. Last time I heard anyone talking
to anyone, some fool got on with a linear and walked all over everyone with
his jack-assinine laugh. Every time someone keyed their mike he stomped on
them, until everyone gave up. I have never in the past month or so been
able to find anyone in the afternoons or evenings, and since that particular
incident there's no one in the mornings either. Does anyone still talk over
the CB, or has that more or less died out? In the past month I heard one
fellow with a mondo linear talking to passing truckers a couple of times,
but he was polite with it and now even he isn't there. Is there some other
channel that truckers now use, other than ch 19? (I heard them there a
couple weeks ago...) I occasionally hear trash in the background, but most
of the time the air is totally dead. What's the deal?
tim aka unit 82, aka la marque pimp, aka gangsta wantabee,....big
radio op..........has run everyone off of the radio with his big bad
amp.........and that.......is my roger............heck .........if you
need to get up, go over to that cb shop on hwy 90 and tell them to
hook you up with a texas star........no doubt about it........