Hammie told: "Get Your Addy Right" by FCC!
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July 11th 03, 05:47 PM
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Hammie told: "Get Your Addy Right" by FCC!
In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
(Frank=A0Gilliland) In
(Twistedhed) wrote:
(Frank=A0Gilliland) In
(Twistedhed) wrote: =A0=A0Right here in the
' 'ol boy hammie was funnin' (?) around and jamming a repeater
on 146.790 mhz,,,,,Feds told him he must "take immediate action" to make
certain the database (which is public knowledge) contain his address
where he reside, and not merely a contact address as he provided. Some
hammies are sticklers for the rules. Some go to harassment levels, as
seen by several hammie-lids and self-professed "AKCers" who come here to
harass cbers
Not CBers, Twist: Illegal operators.
You lie. You and your ilk have accused cbers and hammies alike of being
illegal or catering to illegals merely because of their topics. You most
certainly have expressed your venom, and indeed, harassed legal, law
abiding operators for their topic of choice. You most indeed hae
attacked and harassed those for responding to a post you feel should be
censored, merely because the content may offer informational
instructions that when actually employed may break the law pertaining to
cb or amps. Since you can not handle such adult topics with proper
communicative technique, you should ignore that of which offends you
instead of attacking the character of one who asks a question about a
Blah, blah, blah. Same old Twistedhed
And it's all true,,every word of it, Frankie. It's how you are viewed.
Only in your twisted little mind, Twisty.
No Frankie-lite,,in the minds of all present that you have needlessly
Denial isn't a river in the Nile, old boy.
This,,,is your life, Frankie-lite....
Hmmm... I thought you were going to quote
my post where I say that it is my "MORAL duty
and obligation to needlessly harass cbers".
That's one way of attempting to get the light off your past harassment
of those who speak of topics that dicombobulate you, such as amps and
Illustrating how weak you are in thought.
Well what? I said "may", It's there,..oh, what the hell....since you;re
drunk as a sailor, here ya' go, wrote:
It is my legal right, moral responsibility, and
independant choice to enforce any law I see fit
to enforce.
It is. Now where do I say that it is my "MORAL
"Duty" and "responsibility" can, and often do, share the same
definition. Run, run, run, Frankie lite, run like the wind to your
semantic are being forced to face your own behavior, so
run, Frankie-lite, run to the land of enchanted semantics.
and obligation to needlessly harass cbers"?
You claim it is your right to enforce any law "you" see fit. Wrong. You
are not a law enforcement officer and the law strongly discourages
You claim it is your "moral" responsibility. Imposing your
interpretation of morality constitutes the harassment of those that do
not share your views,,you can define "harassment' in any manner you
choose,,for your examples, I point to the countless attacks you have
made, unprovoked, the countless names you have called people,
unprovoked, the continual badgering of those who hold you and your views
impotent, and the misdirected anger and personal attacks of those who
ask a question of a linear or mod. You are not the moderator and it
kills you that you can not censor such speech. You have illustrated your
frustration level many times, once by placing a call-to-arms for a
"legal" cb only discussion group. Not only did you receive no takers,
you were laughed away.
Receiving no takers, and failing at censoring and intimidating those
that speak of subjects that render you a quivering mass of jello, you
resort to what you are about and that of wich you know best,,,,,the
above mentioned behavior and what can most certainly be construed
as.......harassing behavior...IE: harassment. Note all your posts are
directed at others, most recently myself, but rarely does anyone give
you the time of day unless you act out,,,its what childen do when they
wish to receieve attention but do not understand how to go about
it,,,,they react negatively. Yet another beaming illustration of the
communication deficit that ails you and keeps you down.
Which begs another question: If I'm harassing
CBers, and I happen to be a CBer myself,
then I must be harassing myself;
Nah. The term for what you do to yourself is "self-masochism".
isn't that a conflict of interest, Trog?
LOL,,I'll be anyone you want me to be, Frankie-lite, if it pleases you.
I told you that once before,,try to retain it this time.
Add to that, Frankie-lite,,your admitted lying against all you equate
and ignorantly misconstrue as illegal,
Freebanding isn't illegal?
Using an amp with a CB isn't illegal? What
country do YOU live in, Trog? Cuba?
This is not all you misconstrued as illegal. Most recently, you accused
legal books of aiding criminality. We are not speaking of illegal radio
activity, Frankie-lite, but speech. Many times you have failed at making
an argument of why certain speech does not belong in this group.Your
deficit is cornfusing you bewtween speech and actions. If it was actions
you truly were concerned with, you would take proactive measures instead
of reactive measures. But you ascertained quite nicely your
self-contradiction,,,you recently claimed you didn't care about illegal
cb, but you were forced to regurgitate to the point of recognition.
=A0coupled with your admitted
trolling (read: harassment)
I have said all along that if you feel you are
being illegally harassed then by all means
Tut-tut, Frankie-lite..I accused you of no illegal harassment. That's
the second time today you reduced yourself and resorted to lying in a
failed effortat placing words in my mouth..poor kid.
seek whatever legal remedies you think are
necessary. Nobody has done so yet, which
means either that my "harassment" isn't illegal,
or that nobody thinks that legal remedies are
LOL..same with my activities you deem illegal, such as freebanding.
in either case, the only person whining about
harassment is you, and that's ALL you are
doing, Trog.
That your communication deficit renders you incompetent to the point of
misinterpreting a reply to your initiated inquiry (coupled with your
failure to recognize or comprehend such) as "whining" astutely
solidifies the image in which you have created for yourself. One who
suffers a great, big, fat communication deficit.
=A0=A0=A0and your claim about having a moral
obligation is right there with the rest of your lies and denials. Don't
ya' love when a plan comes together, Frankie-lite? Especially when the
architect is made to be the first to walk in the house he costructed
when under the influence.....
I'm still waiting for you to quote my post where
I say that it is my "MORAL duty and obligation
to needlessly harass cbers".
See above, Frankie-lite. Oh, ,,and below.
"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM have a
problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and are both too
small to admit it."
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Twistedhed ----
"I never said I wouldn't troll anymore."..Frank Gilliland
"I do not get upset about any CB law being broken."...Frank Gilliland
"I choose to take a stand against illegal operators for several
reasons"....Frank Gilliland )
"RF pirates affect me directly in my work."...Frank Gilliland
"I have admitted to lying in this
newsgroup, and on more than one occasion."......Frank Gilliland
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