In , "RASTA"
For the amount of years I've spent here on this NG, I have yet to see (hear)
the bandwidth cleaned up. More truckers are getting hired, more
neighborhood idiots are still throwing "10-95's" while you're chit-chatting,
newer people are skip talking... what good is arguing here gonna do for
cleaning up the band?
Because through this newsgroup an anti-illegal position can be promoted which
can directly influence the band. The concept is universal and it works; whether
you call it social reinforcement, peer-pressure, or simply setting a good
example, it's one way that responsible CBers can improve the situation.
Should I answer that?
Don't need to.
This NG is saved for open conversation about CB radio. Not random bashing.
Everybody wants to know how to mod a radio. Everybody wants to know where
to purchase an amplifier. Everybody wants to know antenna efficiency and
coax lengths. Is this breaking the law? NO! Discussing CB radio subject
matter doesn't constitute the individual breaking any laws.
Nobody said it does, a point you seemed to have missed for the past several
years. What it DOES constitute is the -encouragement- for people to break those
laws by making the act much easier to accomplish. There are at least two
different ways this 'information' makes lawbreaking easier:
First, and most obvious, is that the information eliminates the need for the
prospective lawbreakers to learn the technology, allowing them to take a
criminal approach -- the 'quick and easy path' -- to accomplish their goals. I
sincerely believe that if such information wasn't freely available, many more of
these people would either educate themselves enough to turn their interest in
radio into a legitimate hobby (or even a profession), or find it too difficult
and abandon radio piracy in favor of more rewarding and responsible goals.
The other way is from the attitude that these laws are trivial. Technical
information on how to break the law with CB radio is usually provided without
any warning that its application may cause interference to CBers and non-CBers
alike, and most of the time it's not said that its use can be illegal. On the
contrary, some even go so far as to play lawyer, informing people that federal
communcation laws are "only rules" to be ignored. Then there are those that
would have people believe the fantastic, such as that CB operation is impossible
without illegal modifications or equipment, or that overmodulation is a good
thing, or even that RF power is the end-all-beat-all of human existence. This
only encourages illegal radio, and does absolutely nothing to improve the band
or the newsgroup. And it certainly doesn't help the fence-sitting CBer to make a
decision that's not only responsible to himself (and perhaps to the financial
security of his family should the FCC slap him with the typical multi-thousand
dollar fine), but responsible to all the other CBers that will be negatively
impacted by his selfishness.
So discuss all you want. But when someone else brings up important topics that
are ignored in those conversations, just remember that by attempting to supress
those topics you are demonstrating your contempt for the Constitutional right to
free speech, the very right you embrace while discussing radio piracy.
Know what the funny thing is? I only know of "1" (one) person that was on
this NG that got turned in to the FCC. The rest is still keying down.
Imagine that! With the rants of Leland, Doug, Frank, George, Ric and Dave,
it ain't doing no good for these guys. Even when they go to there graves
(like Ric), ain't nothing gonna change.
That's like saying that we should all just lay down and die now because we are
all going to die eventually. Well, feel free to do so, but I have other plans.
Contrary to your opinion, things do change. Sometimes they change for the better
and sometimes for the worse, but they do change. Some people would rather
promote apathy and use the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" excuse for their
lack of responsibility. Some, such as myself, would rather take an active hand
in changing things for the better. Because if everybody gives up and starts
doing whatever they please without conscience or restraint, the whole thing
falls apart into anarchy and the FCC drops the band -- not my idea of a bright
future for CB radio.
AKC??? You're wasting your time. You guys need to get out more often. Go
play with your radio or something. Take it to the streets if you folks want
something to happen. Don't bring it here to the NG. No one cares about
your rants. Look at the past 8 years since I've been here. Nothing
Quite a bit has changed. Anti-legal CBers such as yourself no longer control the
newsgroup. Most have learned that everyone here has an equal voice, that our
voices can't be 'stepped-on', 'keyed-over', or otherwise supressed the way they
are on the radio. And loss of control over the airwaves by illegals isn't far
behind: Radio direction finding technology also falls under the 'freedom of
speech' umbrella, and their popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. More and
more CBers are learning that they can self-police their band just like the hams,
and many have learned that it can be fun at the same time. And because illegal
CBers are operating with more power, less responsibility, and dirtier radios
than ever before, the task isn't very difficult. Things have changed, and will
continue to change whether you like it or not.
I will still be here, in the background looking for CB radio conversations.
I will still key the mobile on the air and I will still be looking for skip
from elsewhere. We ain't going anywhere... we will still be here. Good
luck "AKC" in your endeavors... its like trying to pour the ocean into a
hole dug into the beach sand with a cup. Take care...
Do whatever you feel you need to do. So will we.
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