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Old July 13th 03, 11:13 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In , "RASTA"

"Frank Gilliland" wrote in message
.. .

Because through this newsgroup an anti-illegal position can be promoted

can directly influence the band. The concept is universal and it works;

you call it social reinforcement, peer-pressure, or simply setting a good
example, it's one way that responsible CBers can improve the situation.

Understood. But through constant "bickering"? By all means, I can see and
respect that you and your fellow compadres are actively taking part in
trying to "take up arms" (per say) in reminding others about the legalities
of radio. But through this newsgroup, people wants information about RADIO!
Not Part 97 of the FCC Regulations. If "they" want to commit " radio
piracy", then that's "their" choice. Of course, your choice is to prevent
that... but that is your choice too. But constant arguments is not going to
influence anything but chase the newcomer away... and this newsgroup will
not fulfill its intended purpose. CB radio information.

Is that why you are arguing with me now? Was the purpose of your original post
in this thread to discuss "CB radio information"? Practice what you preach.

Nobody said it does, a point you seemed to have missed for the past

years. What it DOES constitute is the -encouragement- for people to break

laws by making the act much easier to accomplish. There are at least two
different ways this 'information' makes lawbreaking easier:

Franklin... whether this makes any sense, the internet's expanse is too
infinte to try to stop anyone(s) hunger for information. Whether they get
their information from here or not, there is too many websites that
information can be attained from. You or your counterparts cannot stop
that. Even if you try to throw in a little bit of the regulations in a
thread, info seekers will just move on and find other forums to get the info

Of course this information can't be supressed. But it -can- be evaluated for
it's technical validity. For example, "swang" is a new word for an old concept:
DSBRC (Double-SideBand Reduced Carrier), a mode given up over half a century ago
because it causes more problems than it solves. So when a CB newbie listens to
some dummy talking about 'bird-watts', don't you think he would like to know the
truth of the matter? Of course he would, and that's all I'm doing. It's the
"golden-screwdriver" techs that spread this 'information', and instead of
supressing it, I just tell what the 'information' really means so the CBer can
make an informed decision as to whether or not to trash his radio.

First, and most obvious, is that the information eliminates the need for

prospective lawbreakers to learn the technology, allowing them to take a
criminal approach -- the 'quick and easy path' -- to accomplish their

goals. I
sincerely believe that if such information wasn't freely available, many

more of
these people would either educate themselves enough to turn their interest

radio into a legitimate hobby (or even a profession), or find it too

and abandon radio piracy in favor of more rewarding and responsible goals.

This may sound bad, but CB radio will not influence anyone to accomplish any
goals. It is a hobby. It is not a lifestyle. One thing is for certain...
society as a whole doesn't need anyone from Louisiana, Washington State,
Ohio, New York or Philadelphia to tell it what it can do and what it can't.
Society is self-educated. It's the way it is. And trying to "STOP" that
"freely available" information is like "...trying to pour the ocean into a
hole dug into the beach sand with a cup."

I think you are taking the word "goals" to the extreme -- I merely meant that if
a person wants more from radio than what the CB has to offer then he has three
choices: 1) Memorize the question pool and get a license; 2) Operate illegally;
or 3) Find another hobby. And no, the information isn't going away, but as I
said before, that 'information' is incomplete. If the CBer knows all the facts
then he can make a decision that's better for both him and the band.

The other way is from the attitude that these laws are trivial. Technical
information on how to break the law with CB radio is usually provided

any warning that its application may cause interference to CBers and

alike, and most of the time it's not said that its use can be illegal. On

contrary, some even go so far as to play lawyer, informing people that

communcation laws are "only rules" to be ignored. Then there are those

would have people believe the fantastic, such as that CB operation is

without illegal modifications or equipment, or that overmodulation is a

thing, or even that RF power is the end-all-beat-all of human existence.

only encourages illegal radio, and does absolutely nothing to improve the

or the newsgroup. And it certainly doesn't help the fence-sitting CBer to

make a
decision that's not only responsible to himself (and perhaps to the

security of his family should the FCC slap him with the typical

dollar fine), but responsible to all the other CBers that will be

impacted by his selfishness.

I cannot challenge this. You are absolutely right. But... do you think
that this will "scare" seasoned CBer's and newcomers? If people want to
test their chances? They will most likely will. Not to bring up a moot and
previously discussed topic but does "speeding" ring a bell?

Since you brought it up, speeding isn't a federal offense and doesn't carry a
maximum fine of $17,000. That may scare some, while it may be nothing more than
a financial risk to others. But it's DEFINITELY something that everyone should
know BEFORE they make that decision.

So discuss all you want. But when someone else brings up important topics

are ignored in those conversations, just remember that by attempting to

those topics you are demonstrating your contempt for the Constitutional

right to
free speech, the very right you embrace while discussing radio piracy.

Free Speech is Free Speech... but COME ON! This **** is OLD! Even in
technical threads that have nothing to do with radio piracy ends up becoming
a "thread" not "discussion" of LEGALITIES. If I wanted a Forum mommy, I
would asked for one...

There have been MANY technical discussions here that haven't become a thread
about legalities. But you are right, many technical discussions do end up about
legalities. Why? I'll tell you...

Just for the sake of argument, just how technical can CB get? I mean, the CB is
a radio service that was intended to have minimal technical requirements, which
is why there is no license (and when a license was required in the past it
required no test of technical competence). Just hook up the power, run the
antenna, plug in the mic and you're working (and to think that some people make
that their hobby...LOL!). Yet most technical discussions seem to be about swang,
bird-watts, keydowns, amps, flame-throwing antennas and being as loud as
possible. IOW, most of the technical topics here focus around -illegal- CB, and
that's why legal issues come up so often.

Slightly OT, why does everything here have to be about technical topics? How
about making a hobby of COMMUNICATING on the CB? About the only posts made in
this newsgroup even remotely close to -that- topic are Twisty's DX reports.
Doesn't anybody think about what's possible with CB radio? Like, how about
setting up CB broadcasts for Amber Alerts, or organizing networks for public
events? When was the last time you saw any mention of the REACT program in this
newsgroup? :end rant

That's like saying that we should all just lay down and die now because we

all going to die eventually. Well, feel free to do so, but I have other


YES! Please die. I don't care about your plans... just DIE already!

If I bother you that much then maybe you should take a break from the newsgroups
for a while.

Contrary to your opinion, things do change. Sometimes they change for the

and sometimes for the worse, but they do change. Some people would rather
promote apathy and use the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" excuse for

lack of responsibility. Some, such as myself, would rather take an active

in changing things for the better. Because if everybody gives up and

doing whatever they please without conscience or restraint, the whole

falls apart into anarchy and the FCC drops the band -- not my idea of a

future for CB radio.

As previously stated, CB radio is a hobby. Not a lifestyle. If CB radio is
your "bread and butter", you might want to rethink your future. It's
looking a little dim. Since its beginnings, when has CB radio "not" been in

Your choice to believe that CB is in a state of anarchy is nothing but a
precursor to that "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" excuse I mentioned before.

Quite a bit has changed. Anti-legal CBers such as yourself no longer

control the newsgroup.

WHAT? How dare you assume such? Because I look for skip on SSB makes me a
"baby-killer" now?

WHOA there butthole, where did I say anything about being a "baby-killer"? You
need to take a step back (and probably a Valium).

I could give a rats-ass about who controls the NG. I am
here for technical conversations with like-minded individuals in a hobby
that I enjoy. Maybe getting a HAM ticket is not my cup of tea. I could
give a **** about change either. Again, I am here for technical
conversations with like-minded individuals in a hobby that I enjoy.

If you are so stupid that you can't handle the unbelievably simple requirements
to get a license and operate legally, then could give a **** about your "hobby".

Most have learned that everyone here has an equal voice, that our
voices can't be 'stepped-on', 'keyed-over', or otherwise supressed the way

are on the radio. And loss of control over the airwaves by illegals isn't

behind: Radio direction finding technology also falls under the 'freedom

speech' umbrella, and their popularity is growing by leaps and bounds.

More and
more CBers are learning that they can self-police their band just like the

and many have learned that it can be fun at the same time. And because

CBers are operating with more power, less responsibility, and dirtier

than ever before, the task isn't very difficult. Things have changed, and

continue to change whether you like it or not.

I may disappear... but things will never change, Believe what you may, but
no one ever dies... they just multiply.

I don't suppose you have ever heard of the Anasazi....

Do whatever you feel you need to do. So will we.

I knew you were gonna say that...

RASTA, the Keyclown Psychic.

have a good day.

I usually do.

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