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July 15th 03, 12:41 AM
Posts: n/a
(Aaron H. Voobner) wrote in message . com...
Earl Johnston
I understand that for those of you in the United States, CB is
restricted to ground wave communication. However, others in this
forum are able to talk skip without running afoul of our national
Can you name a country or countries where unlicensed 11 meter DX
hobby-type operation is specifically authorized? As far as I know,
international treaty does not permit unlicensed "HF DX" radio
services. You should not assume that some foreign country allows 11
meter DX just because you heard them on the radio. I would like to see
verifiable proof, such a grant, authorization, or other form of
governmental decree.
I have watched this NG from time to time and see more people bitchin'
about "Illegal activites" than I see people helping each other out or
just plain having an electronic conversation. I will just post my
opinion here that I think might speak for some others here.
I do alot of "Illegal" things. Sometimes I drive to fast, I smoke
weed daily, I run power and shoot skip. sometimes I get real wild
and (GASP) whistle into my radio or use an echo board. Before you
lecture me and talk about my "Illegal" activities, realize that I
dont give a ****.... As long as I'm not actually harming another
human being I really dont care.
You whiny little hind tit suckers need to realize that there are many
other things that you can do to change the quality of your hobby. You
could be proactive and educate a younger generation about the joys of
amateur radio. You could build a great website promoting your hobby.
Instead all you do is sit here and troll.... it's easy, and somehow
provides instant gratification to your soggy little porn saturated
This NG is about CB radio,,, NOT ham radio, and not about the
"Legality" of amplifiers. You can waste your keystrokes all you want
ranting and raving about how you want a perfect world with no RF
saturation, but it aint ever gonna happen. As long as I can get an
amp I'm gonna run it....
Please, to all you snobby HAMS out there.... Do something useful....
come over here and shampoo my crotch.
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