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Old March 12th 04, 03:59 AM
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Default Direction finding antenna technology

I posted an inquiry (below) regarding my search for a very small DFing
antenna. I received some much appreciated replies, but not quite what I was
looking for.

Here's a link to a commercial product:

This product displays bearing and distance to a transmitter over a very
short range, operating below 500 kHz. This is the physical size I had in

I'd like to be able to build a similar unit in the 144 MHz band for
direction finding over short distances. In other words, for use on the
final leg of a DF contest where the transmitter is buried in brush in a
remote area. A parasitic array or even a single loop wouldn't be as rugged
or hand-holdable as I'd like.

Does anyone know what antenna technology is used in this product to be able
to develop directionality at such a low frequency with such a small size?

I suppose I could ask the manufacturer, but they might not want to disclose
their design info. Or, I could buy one for big $$$ and try to figure it
out, but that's not a sure thing either ... )

Thanks for any help.

George, K6GW