Remember when hammie-cops were cool?
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July 18th 03, 10:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Twistedhed didn't write, but paraphrased N3CVJ: I
take offense to the "holer than thou" attitude displayed by many hams
toward Cbers.
I have not found that to be the case...
Neither have I. What you mis-attributed to myself was paraphrased. Dave
Hall N3CVJ wrote it, not I. That is why his signature, that you somehow
managed to snip and eliminate, was at the bottom. See, he signed it....
How you missed it or chose to ignore it and misattribute Dave Hall's
words to myself is anyones guess, but not really important.
(They flaunt their "superior equipment" and tell the CBers, )
Many serious CB'ers run Amateur Gear.
(to get ham licenses, and then are the first to complain to their ham
buddies, that the reason the ham bands are going to pot, is because of
all the CBers that are moving up there.)
Many ham friends were cb friends from days
of old. I'm glad they became more interested
in the hobby.
Again, agreed.
(Ham radio and CB radio are both communications services. Both offer
their respective users with a forum for enjoyment. Each service has it's
own unique appeal that is not duplicated on the other.)
Depends on what part of the hobby your are
writing about.
Only the writing wasn't mine, it was Davie's..
( CB and Ham Radio operation have many similar aspects.
Ham radio is full
of serious discussions and one can learn alot from just listening. On
the other hand though, a constant diet of technobabble gets VERY boring
fairly quickly. )
Have you been on a ham band lately..?
Taste's great..!
I think hammies that make posts like this are too concerned with cb and
disenfranchised with hammie radio. They spend all their time here in a
cb room but can claim communication with no other group member. Just as
it has been shown certain factions are not at all interested in the
rules, despite their hypocrisy toward cbers, some are interested in
advocating nothing but an agenda of hate and discontent..
but is much less filling on the serious
discussion side. Most Hams don't sit and talk
technical all day long, they are just regular
people for the most part.
Agreed. As you so astutely pointed out, "most" hammies do not share the
minority point-of-view illustrated by the author.
(CBers are less technical, and as a result, are more like talking to
"regular" people. Topics are more varied, and you can "fool around"
without fear of upsetting the "kilocycle kops", and have more fun. Dave
I've never met a kilocycle kop or anything like
I would surmise he meant those who try to police others. In other words,
he was referring what he has become. If I am incorrect, you can ask
Davie to what he referred when he used such a term.
I know a lot of very technical CB'ers who have
no interest in Amateur Radio. I know a lot of
very non technical hams.
If you listen to both the CB and Amateur
Bands, you mostly hear a lot of fooling around.
Makes things much more interesting...
No doubt. And it's much easier to communicate in a friendly manner,
despite the fact that the person you are communicating with may share
opposing views.
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