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Old July 18th 03, 10:31 PM
Posts: n/a

(Twistedhed) wrote in message ...
I have yet to partake in the lid game of reposting old posts out of the
blue, but I feel Dave and Dougie's cojoined allegiance and the consisten
love they have direct toward myself lately dictates such. One of my
I take offense to the "holer than thou" attitude displayed by many hams
toward Cbers. They flaunt their "superior equipment" and tell the CBers,
to get ham licenses, and then are the first to complain to their ham
buddies, that the reason the ham bands are going to pot, is because of
all the CBers that are moving up there.
Ham radio and CB radio are both communications services. Both offer
their respective users with a forum for enjoyment. Each service has it's
own unique appeal that is not duplicated on the other. Ham radio is full
of serious discussions and one can learn alot from just listening. On
the other hand though, a constant diet of technobabble gets VERY boring
fairly quickly. CBers are less technical, and as a result, are more like
talking to "regular" people. Topics are more varied, and you can "fool
around" without fear of upsetting the "kilocycle kops", and have more

Betcha Davie smokes Virginia Slims.

damn twist....i remember that......old hamster dave hit the proverbial
nail right on the head didn't he???..........its like i said.....n7's
bother this newsgroup and to that you can add n3's also.............