July 20th 03, 05:33 AM
In ,
(Ninjaman808) wrote:
Man I dont know what I have been thinking!!! You mean that instead of
my 2x4 Skullcracka I could just transmit SSB on my Galaxy and get out
just as good?!? That Rules!!!
Yep, and you don't have to worry about running 2-guage wire to the battery,
Maybe I can even learn how to say CQDX! And attain some numbers!!
Why would you want to do that?
While I'm at it I might as well get a big fat gut, little tiny penis,
and a bit of body odor to top it off... I'm already starting to
feel more like a HAM.
I was at a seminar today from 7:30am to 4:30pm. All through the morning there
was a fat asshole in the back row that talked way too loud for the room, sounded
like Bill Murry in Caddyshack, and felt the need to share the life story of both
him and his messed-up family. We broke for lunch, and after eating I strolled
out into the parking lot for a smoke. That's when I saw that middle-aged retard
cornering two barely-legal girls and bragging about how he walks on cell-phones
and televisions with his 1400 watt CB mobile. The girls made an excuse to leave
and almost ran away. What a perfect example of a keyclown.
Thanks for the wisdom guys.... I'm gonna go to McDonalds now to
complete my new HAM look with a 1000 calorie dinner.... see ya!!
If the clown-shoe fits....
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