Thread: FRS/GMRS radios
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Old July 22nd 03, 02:34 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a

He was 5 miles from the repeater. I was around 100 miles from the repeater.
I also opened (and tried a quick call) over a repeater in Pennsylvania.
This was from Rochester, NY (almost at Lake Ontario). In other words, I was
transmitting successfully to another repeater in another state(and that one
was *well* over 100 miles away)

BTW, two folks could well be on opposite sides of the repeater. Should the
other guy happen to have a high elevation (as did I), then communications
approaching 200 miles between the HTs (100 miles to the repeater plus
another 100 miles to the other guy) are possible (but only in *unusual*
circumstances). My former neighbor lives on a 2200 foot "hill" and I am
certain she would have one heck of a range. I am only considering the range
I can obtain to a repeater. Granted, the repeater antenna gain is pretty
high, but it would likely not be more than 10 dB over my 36 inch gain
antenna. So, between similar HTs, cut the distance 1/3 (1/9th the power)
and I'd still expect well over 30 miles (and not need as much height, but
still both would have to be located fairly high above average terrain).
Simple math, as long as you've got a clear shot. The satellites are not
running kilowatts either, you know

73 from Rochester, NY

"'Doc" wrote in message ...

If you both were using the repeater, then you were
both in range of the repeater. You weren't talking
direct, so not the same thing.

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