Thread: Pro-Star 400
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Old July 22nd 03, 04:03 PM
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From: (valmont)
(Twistedhed) wrote in message
"Alan Lansburger" wrote in message
. .. Just one more
thing, what are the "A" channels for?
Illegal inbetweens. Using them causes splatter
to those on legal channels.

Total bull****. This clown has no clue concerning radio theory,
especially where 27 MHZ is concerned relating to cb and HF.
=A0=A0Speaking on, say, 26.995, will cause no more "splatter" than
speaking on any other "legal" frequency.
Same with the "off" channels. If your
radio is not causing a splatter or bleed problem on the regular
channels, the freeband channels

There are no "freeband channels" except in

your mind.

There are a myriad of freeband channels. Delusions and wishing and
denial will not make them any less real.
the freeband channels will not cause or increase "splatter" in
any manner whatsoever. The above cb voo-doo claim was
made,,,well,,merely look at the posting access and email.....LOL.

Come back from cloud-cukoo-land.

Try and make an honest claim.

Those frequencies are not authorized for voice
comms, therefore they can cause interference

to legal users on adjacent channels.

Really? Kindly explain to the masses how operating on 26.995 or 22a
"causes" more splatter than the legal channels.....go on now,,,,we're
all ears.

Better to operate legally and considerately.

You don't act considerably in here,,,you act just like what you profess
to be against on the air.....your choice of which medium you should obey
rules and act "considerate" is hypocritical.
Clean your own backyard prior to telling others how to operate.

(Here is a link to a frequency table which includes the Pro Star 400. )
No mention of where it's legal to transmit in

this chart.

No need for it. Most aren't as clueless as yourself.

Alan Lansburger didn't know where the ham

bands begin and end.

Mind reading, are you? LOL.

There are probably others that don't know.

Probably? LOL...after all these years, you nor the lying (hypocrite)Hall
have not been able to cite a single newbe you claim "may be on the

Why discourage the free flow of accurate

information? I thought you were against

censorship, Twisty?

Of course I am against censorship. I was merely pointing out how
troubling it is for you to remain on topic. Again, only yourself and a
few other lids need constantly reminded of rules and legalities because
your retainment value is nill. Since you have demonstrated a plethora of
posts that are wrong in technical nature, incorrect in the nature of
legalities, and deliberately wrong about cb and HF ( as above) and you
can not place into practice the communicative techniques you ask of
others, your hypocrisy shines.