July 23rd 03, 06:18 PM
Uh... quick question.... 22a is 10kc up from 22, just as 19a is 10kc
up from 19, right? 22 is 27.225, 23 is 27.255, 24 is 27.235, 25 is
27.245, and 26 is 27.265. So 22a would be the same channel as 24,
wouldn't it?
Or have I missed something?
Twistedhed wrote:
From: (valmont)
(Twistedhed) wrote in message
Really? Kindly explain to the masses how operating on 26.995 or 22a
"causes" more splatter than the legal channels.....go on now,,,,we're
all ears.
You know perfectly well what adjacent
channel interference means, but you have put
on your clown suit and begun feigning
ignorance, sensing an opportunity to
misinterpret and play word games.
Not at all. I know "perfectly well" what you were attempting, and it was
shot down before it had a chance. For the record, you mentioned no
"adjacent channel interference", but let's work with that. How can
operating on 22a cause anymore "splatter" OR (to settle your
rising-anger) "adjacent channel interference" than operating on 22? No
word games, just you doing the frankie-stein shuffle. Operating on said
channels causes no more "splatter" "interference" or (ahem) "adjacent
channel interference" than any other legal channel. Period. Now, isn't
it about time you become personal with me? I mean, that is what you do
when crow is force-fed you.
On the
next post you'll try and shift the focus to some
unrelated topic,
Nah,,you already distanced and removed yourself from your original claim
as far as possible.
like Dave Hall,
Dave Hall isn't off-topic..he's responsible for much of the malice in
here and web2news posts.
or latchkey kids
So that's why you spend so much time at the pc..it's your babysitter and
you learn from us.
or Marine Corps retirement policy.
Nah,,that was Gillinad's lie.
And since you still don't know how to quote,
the thread will eventually look like alphabet
soup with no way to tell who said what.
Only because you can't remain with a decent newsreader because you keep
losing services for conduct unbecoming a human because you have a lack
of self-control that rivals an animal.
All this fuss because you must defend the
concept of not following the rules. Wouldn't it
be simpler to operate legally?
All this fuss because I refuse to answer OR justify my actions to lids
like yourself. Get over your bad self...LOL!