Pro-Star 400
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July 23rd 03, 11:14 PM
Posts: n/a
Uh... quick question.... 22a is 10kc up from 22,
just as 19a is 10kc up from 19, right?
22 is 27.225, 23 is 27.255, 24 is 27.235, 25 is
27.245, and 26 is 27.265. So 22a would be
the same channel as 24, wouldn't it?
Or have I missed something?
That's right. See the irony?
Anyways, 22a was a better example when we had only 23 channels. 10 Khz
above channel 3 (26.995) or between 7 and 8 (27.045), or 27.095 and
27.145 are but a few more examples.
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