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Old July 28th 03, 01:09 AM
Dave or Debby
Posts: n/a

Slower traffic KEEP right, and broke down alternators keep even MORE right!

Hey Mad Dog---do you know that IN a Communist country, there is only 1
trucking company! Do you know what it's name is? JBSnydWerner !
Pass it on!

"Mad Dog" wrote in message
True that Doc..thanx 4 the heads up

714 Sandpile,
The Mad Dog wavin' good bye
"'Doc" wrote in message ...

Mad Dog,
You 'done good', but you're not quite finished, your
answer doesn't take the efficiency of the amplifier into
account. Since the efficiency of most solid state devices
is only about 50%, the amplifier would draw half again as
much more current as your almost correct answer...

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