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Old July 28th 03, 04:06 PM
Posts: n/a

From: ('Doc)
Keith wrote:
Contact the FCC and let them know it is time to get rid of this silly
morse code test and let all Americans have easy access to the amateur
radio bands that we own. If you do nothing, then nothing will get done!
A group to protest the requirement of morse code for properly licensed
technician licensee. And to remove the morse code test from ham radio
testing as soon as possible. The first protest is August 1st 6 pm local
time on 28.306 USB
=A0=A0=A0=A0You have every right in the world to contact

the FCC and let them know what you would

like to happen as far as code and license

requirements. They even make it easy for you

to do, so by all means, do it!.

=A0=A0=A0=A0Then comes the part about an 'on the air'

protest. Just how silly (read that as stupid) can
you get? If anyone thinks the FCC doesn't

know that people want the code requirement

dropped they are very, very uninformed (read

that as stupid too).


=A0Only the contingency that doesn't wish to work for something is
bitching and crying about code. Your statement would be just as valid if
you would have wrote "If anyone thinks the FCC doesn't know that people
want the code requirement retained, they are very, very uninformed."
"Stupid", is one who fails to see both sides of an issue due their
myopic view and inability to compromise. I find it ironic NCI's
recruiting slogan is something akin to "Helping to preserve Ham Radio"
while attempting to abolish a staple and foundation of what hammie radio
was built upon. "Preservation through elimination and
discardment",,,LOL,,what a lot!

A 'protest' would accomplish absolutely

nothing beneficial, and would do harm instead.

Mr. Lalli, you have no way of knowing such things unless you are a seer.
KC8LDO recently affirmed how one can not tell the future. In this
aspect, he was correct.

Talk about getting what you wanted and then

shooting your self in the foot! Just a little bit of

thought would

show you how silly the whole thing is... =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0
=A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 'Doc

PS - 'Civil Disobedience' is just a cowards way
of saying crime.


=A0You are a fascist individual. For your information, this country was
forged by the exact behaviors which you refer to as "criminal". If the
colonists were "cowards" as you allude, it leaves no doubt as to who the
heros are in your eyes. No, Mr. Lalli, a "coward" is a hammie who
attempted psuedo-anonymous, unprovoked harrassment of a cber via
usenet,, ,then claimed his server was on the blink. A "coward" is one
who quietly slipped away with his tail between his legs after losing his
posting access for such behavior. A "coward" is a liar who lied about
being busted for not following the rules, even when presented with the
email from your ISP claiming your account was "terminated."
=A0=A0A "coward" is one who calls other's names while hypocritically
tossing huge stones while living in a glass house. A "coward" is one who
attacks others under the false premise of concern for the rules while
selectively ignoring the rules he feels he is above. Gee, Paul,,you're a
cowardly liar.