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Old July 29th 03, 01:09 AM
Posts: n/a

"C" wrote in message

My only gripe with the code is the testing. It is stated as a 5 word
per minute test. When I challenged the test a few weeks ago I found that
it is actually anywhere from 13 to 18 words per minute, not 5 words per
minute. The 5 words per minute is a lie....

Why not tell it like it is.... Those giving the test do not want to make
it easy for anyone who has a learning disability or not. I have never
been able to memorize anything easily when in school, and was accused of
being from lazy to stupid. My father told me that I was ignorant because
I was partly colorblind. I do not want sympathy, just after studying for
almost a year to pass the 5 word per minute test for what it is suppose
to be not what someone who is more proficient with the code wants it to

If my General CSCE expires again (this will be #2) I will never take it
again and will have lost desire in a hobby that I grew up working in for
the last 39 years.......


In article ,
"Spamhater" wrote:

"Keith" wrote in message
On 27 Jul 2003 15:22:47 -0700, (Rich) wrote:

I know a bed ridden quad who dictated 20 wpm to his wife.He uses a

cw keyer.

Can he hear? That is what we are talking about.

The Radio Page Ham, Police Scanner, Shortwave and more.

There are cases where flashing lights are used for such a thing OR

surfaces..... so being deaf is no excuse either. There ARE provisions.

main thing is, that IF the person is that handicapped, it is up to THEM

their family to provide any testing accessories to suit their needs, to
allow the VEs to send the text. The VEs are not required to provide
specialized equipment to cater to the handicaps needs.

Not trying to be a smart ass do you know it was 13 if you
say you can't copy 13???. Could it be he was sending the characters fast
and making the spacing long. I.E. Farnsworth method, which is the
recomended way to conduct a test?

If you want to quit. Thats your choice. I would suggest you go to a
different test place with different folks instead.