I would actually have to agree with Kim on this one. I have many times
asked (tactfully and politely) certain questions of blind hams as to their
experiences as hams dealing with the loss of sight as it relates to the
hobby. They were definitely helpful and supportive in "educating" me to
their circumstances. A definite thank you at the end of the questions with
an explanation that I was trying to understand what it is like to be in
their shoes definitely helped.
Ryan, KC8PMX
FF1-FF2-MFR-(pending NREMT-B!)
--. --- -.. ... .- -. --. . .-.. ... .- .-. . ..-. .. .-. . ..-.
... --. .... - . .-. ...
Keith, why don't you solicit the opinions of some deaf hams? There is a
group called HandiHams that you could ask--if they would respond. You
also get on eHam.net, and qrz.com and pose the question in the forums.
question, I suppose, would be: Do you, as a deaf ham, agree that the
government should require that you pass a minimum CW requirement for
radio privileges at that level?
My guess is most deaf hams are not going to mind a bit. Note that I said
*most.* I am sure there are some out there that may object.
Posted via news://freenews.netfront.net
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