Free Anti-Twistedhed Chat
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August 2nd 03, 08:35 AM
Posts: n/a
(Twistedhed) wrote in message ...
Conspire at:
Pretty funny..LOL. But, something doesn't make sense,,,you claim you
are "anti-twistedhed" (chuckle), yet , looking at the site and your
self-control, one immediately recognizes the amount of time you must
devote to myself. Couple this with your posting of "Respect for
freebanders" and forging my email to it, and you're not "anti" at
all,,,merely an angry nocode who has had his clock cleaned one too many
times by cbers for poor behavior and conduct unbecoming an
amateur....hahhahaha! One thing remains constant, your dying, burning
desire to be anyone but who you are..LOL.
Wrong. No one wants to be you.
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