I'd like to be able to build a similar unit in the 144 MHz band for
direction finding over short distances. In other words, for use on the
final leg of a DF contest where the transmitter is buried in brush in a
remote area. A parasitic array or even a single loop wouldn't be as rugged
or hand-holdable as I'd like.
Do a search for Fox Hunt. There is considerable activity in US now in that
sport. 73 mag had plenty of articles, that technology is well developed.
For 2m hunt antenna, the smallest one would be 2 el Moxon or ZL special, or if
you need to shorten the elements further, you can load them with coils. This is
another case where current in loading coils distribution is important :-)
You can make elements out of springy wires, so they can bend and return to
shape while going through the bushes (why?).
Yuri, K3BU