Thread: KC8LDO Question
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Old August 4th 03, 05:17 PM
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From: (Leland=A0C.=A0Scott)
wrote in message
Hey Leland, good pic of

Ah, well it doesn't really look much like him

really. I have met him a few times at Hamfests
so I know what he looks like.

A FEW times? Oh, brother,,,,LOL. You frolic and dance with him
regularly on the air.

I also found out he doesn't spend much time

on this news group any more.

LOL...stop it, Lelnad. He is all over this group. Odd thing, your
current lie doesn't mesh with the archives. You had plenty of
conversations with him way back when...........the IP number and trace
on his posts show the conversations you had with him back then (few
years ago) match the same exact IP he is using now, and the same one
that match several forges. you always go to bat for your close bud, the
criminal N8!!

He's in business with a buddy of his making

antennas. From what he says they seem to be
doing rather well at it which doesn't leave him

much time for playing on the computer.


Leland C. Scott


LOL.! Count the number of six meter enthusiasts (after all, he tries to
make six meter antennas) and do the math. Even if he sold an antenna to
every 6 meter fan in the country, he would have caught up by now and had
plenty of free time.....You always try way too hard and end up going
overboard and eating big crow..LOL. Between his BOOMing (hyuk hyuk)
antenna business, and your self-professed 120G+ per year, you each
should be able to afford to locate a decent Elmer.