Thread: KC8LDO Question
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Old August 9th 03, 07:36 PM
Leland C. Scott
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
"Leland C. Scott"

wrote in



Bring dogie with you, please.

What would you do IF he did show up? 8-))

I would show him ALL the respect he

deserves, and then some.

So anyway, it looks like I'm staying around

Woodward dream cruise
till mon or tues. Mind if I stop by your place

in the afternoon,
during the following week?

Hello Lee..?

I'm here, just working a lot of over time the past
week or two and doing some out of town traveling
as well. You would be better off giving me a call
first. Just ask Twisted for my number. He gave it
away to a bunch of people, who called me, in his
E-mail reply's a while back so I know he has it.
8-() I can't say if I'll be in town or not.

That's the normal speech I give everybody. With
the kind of work I'm currently doing I have no
idea from day to day if I'll be in town or not. I
could easily show up Monday morning for work and
by that afternoon be sitting at Detroit Metro
Airport waiting for my flight to leave. It all
depends on how many calls come in and who is
around to send out.

Since you will be in town for a day or so try
stopping by the National Coney Island on 12 Mile
Road a couple of miles East of Woodward, North
side of the city of Royal Oak on your map. They're
open 24 hours and they also serve beer if you want
a cold one with your food. it's a popular place
with the young crowd particularly in the summer on
the week ends. It's a nice place and fits in with
the spirit of the dream cruise. The waitresses get
dressed up in 50's fashion, at least last year
they did. You get to see some really nice chicks

If you can show up even sooner, or stay a bit
later, I think one night from either Tuesday to
Thursday is Bike-Night in downtown Royal Oak. It's
been a while since I've been through there so I
don't remember the exact night. Anyway when I say
"Bikes" I mean Motorcycles, hundreds parked up and
down Main street in front of the coffee shops etc.
So If you get in to that sort of thing it would be
worth your while to check it out. Oh, one more
thing, the Royal Oak PD can be some real A..holes
if they catch you screwing around even a bit. A
word to the wise.

Leland C. Scott

Saw this on a Tee-shirt:

"I am a
if you see me
try to keep up "