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Old August 8th 03, 07:19 PM
dont eat those big macs fatty
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Default above channel 30 ssb only..?

I'd be curious to know the implied band plan for CB in your area. Here's
how it stacks up on the West Coast.

Channel(s) Mode Notes
1-5 AM Conventional CB operation
6 AM (almost useless) "The Bowl" *
7-8 AM conventional AM operation
9 AM Nation wide emergency channel **
10-14 AM conventional AM operation
15-16 SSB Used for SSB in 23 channel days ***
17 AM West Coast Truckers Channel ****
18 AM conventional AM operation
19 AM Implied nationwide Truckers Channel
20-30 AM conventional AM operation
31 AM/SSB The AM/SSB mode "property line"
32-40 SSB SSB operation for the most part *****

* Some undefined language is used on "The Bowl"
** Anyone actually listening to channel 9?
*** 16 lsb was a popular "call frequency" in 23 channel days
**** 17 is the most popular truckers channel on the west coast
***** The SSB mode "channel masters" chase AM people off 32-40
