I'd be curious to know the implied band plan for CB in your area. Here's
how it stacks up on the West Coast.
Channel(s) Mode Notes
1-5 AM Conventional CB operation
6 AM (almost useless) "The Bowl" *
7-8 AM conventional AM operation
9 AM Nation wide emergency channel **
10-14 AM conventional AM operation
15-16 SSB Used for SSB in 23 channel days ***
17 AM West Coast Truckers Channel ****
18 AM conventional AM operation
19 AM Implied nationwide Truckers Channel
20-30 AM conventional AM operation
31 AM/SSB The AM/SSB mode "property line"
32-40 SSB SSB operation for the most part *****
* Some undefined language is used on "The Bowl"
** Anyone actually listening to channel 9?
*** 16 lsb was a popular "call frequency" in 23 channel days
**** 17 is the most popular truckers channel on the west coast
***** The SSB mode "channel masters" chase AM people off 32-40