WA3MOJ admits hassling with ARRL REP KC8LDO
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August 19th 03, 08:40 PM
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WA3MOJ admits hassling with ARRL REP KC8LDO
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
... From:
(Cool Breeze)
Figures he would stir up some **** by making
false and baseless accusations against me.
In the first place, all hasn't been quiet,,
It has on my end you dick with ears...
No,,it hasn't,,,you made obscenity-laden posts all weekend long. You
made serval posts directed at myslef several times over the weekend.
When I returned on Mon,,you were on my replies within ten
minutes,,,LOL,,,look inside yourself, Geogre,,oh,,wait a sec,,you did
that, already,,,,it's why you are so angry,,,you're full of self-loathe.
LOL..thats merely your mild
retardation making your communication deficit rear it's ugly head,
Ohh the name calling and insults hurt, talk
I called you no name, Geogre.
about being impotent have you seen your
doctor over your maladay
Geogre. You and Lelnad have been drooling over my posts all weekend...
Not me **** face , hurl another accusation.
LOL,,whattya mean not you? Your IP this weekend matches the same one you
gave your call sign with. You're lying Geogre,,,,many posts were made by
you this weekend,,,MANY,
For some reason he also thinks I teamed up
with Leland against him... hahahah Your not
worth as much time as they spent on you
dickface, and if your too stupid to recognize
who it is
This group didn't need your admission of involvement, Geogre
Nor did the group need your false accudsation
and innuendo.
Not false,, Need to see the forges of cbers by the self-professed rep of
the ARRL, KC8LDO? Need to see the post by N3CVJ where he admits delight
in breaking federal communication law to get his sexual jollies from
underaged teenaged girls? Need to see your own contradictory post where
you claimed you KNEW it wasnt' Lelnad,..? Or you need to see the one
today where you attampted to clean up your messed Depends where you
claimed you don't know for sure? LOL,,the only thing we know for sure,
is you lie,,,continually...and curse.
already know you;re filty dirty.
Who is we?
The collective group.
is that to make you look like you have a
following ... LOL talk
(shrug) You tell me,,,,,,Lelnad claimed I did in his banning of Scott.
Nevertheless, "we" is indicative of the cb world, of which I have much
more in common than you.......go ahead and ask the
contingency,,,,,,,oh,,,excuse me,,,,you have that little color
problem,,,,yellow, isn't it? g
about impotent. Now go wash off you stink like
Your imitations and outright plagiarisms are downright indicative of the
power you insist I wield over you.
who are you speaking for again, anyone you
associate with knows nothing of me.
your a bigger asshole that I thought you are
I'm not the one with the destroyed reputation suffering from feelings of
hopelessness, low self-esteem, and self-loathing.
When can I expect to see wa3moj on the rain
When can you post with a real email address? Oh, excuse me, lids can't
display such items..they have their hands full enough with the address
issue coming down,,,LOL.
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