WOW Twist didnt take you long to reply huh under 10 minutes?
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
It has on my end you dick with ears...
No,,it hasn't,,,you made obscenity-laden posts all weekend long.
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Yes these 4 gems by me constitue obscentity laden posts all weekend long
1) Hey Jim, Go **** yourself. You sorry excuse for a ham radio operator
2) Fag, Geek, Scott
3) what did this asshole say ?
4) your an assclown
You made serval posts directed at myslef several times over the weekend.
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I didnt make any posts over the weekend directed at you your either confused
or ****ed up in the head. I say both.
When I returned on Mon,,you were on my replies within ten minutes,,,
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Abso****inglutly I replied i got online in the afternoon read your
accusation against me
and posted a reply, sorry it may have been after you posted them in fact I
am taking your word for it that they were 10 minutes behind.
I replied to defend myself from your false accusations, baseless claims and
you made the posts, now I am to be blamed for the timing of your posts and
when I reply. haha
Keep changing the subject by your obfuscation
LOL,,,look inside yourself,
Here look inside my asshole when you crawl out...
I called you no name, Geogre.
Your childish names and name calling has been noted try to keep up
LOL,,whattya mean not you?
What part dont you understand?
Your IP this weekend matches the same one you gave your call sign with.
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Really which one is that? Post it..
If it isn't the same one I am posting with now, you just made your self
look like a jackass, well more so than usual.
You're lying Geogre,,,,many posts were made by
you this weekend,,,MANY,
Exactly I made posts over this weekend. Not one of them was about you
or directed towards you, does that make you feel less important.
If you have some proof snip all the other bull**** from these posts and
repost just 1 post I made about you with my ip address fully intact,
you know the comcast one I have used for the past 2-3 years.
For some reason he also thinks I teamed up
with Leland against him... hahahah Your not
worth as much time as they spent on you
dickface, and if your too stupid to recognize
who it is
This group didn't need your admission of involvement, Geogre
Nor did the group need your false accudsation
and innuendo.
Not false,,
100% False I never made any posts about you this weekend, now you have 2
POST PROOF or STFU, pretty simple.
Need to see the forges of cbers by the self-professed rep of
Listen you dumpster diver I want to see PROOF of me posting about you this
weekend, enough of your hersay and constantly trying to change the subject
to someone or something else. Lets stick to the one on hand. Where you have
Lied about me posting about you this weekend.
Need to see the post by N3CVJ where he admits delight
in breaking federal communication law to get his sexual jollies from
underaged teenaged girls?
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Off Topic, unrelated and pure attempt at obfuscation on your part.
Need to see your own contradictory post where
you claimed you KNEW it wasnt' Lelnad,..?
Or you need to see the one
today where you attampted to clean up your messed Depends where you
claimed you don't know for sure? LOL,,the only thing we know for sure,
is you lie,,,continually...and curse.
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Just because you say it doesnt make it so.
The collective group.
You speak for the group?
about impotent. Now go wash off you stink like
Your imitations and outright plagiarisms are downright indicative of the
power you insist I wield over you.
who did I imitate? someone else call you a baccala before? I should have
When can you post with a real email address?
why you wanna email me something or just being nosey?
Oh, excuse me, lids can't
display such items..they have their hands full enough with the address
issue coming down,,,LOL.