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  #14   Report Post  
Old August 20th 03, 01:37 AM
Posts: n/a

From: (Cool=A0Breeze)
"gw" wrote in message
Jim he is on freqs not authorized to him.......what kind of ham are
you that gives approval to a bootlegger?

would you mind showing proof where twistie

did the things you say he did????

hey gw, I know your not real bright but twisty admitted in a post today
he freebands on un authorized freqs.
What else do you want a signed confession?
No. An answer to his question would be nice.
See,,,,you are so dangerously close to spinning this, you;re probably
constipated...I admitted freebanding on 27 MHZ. Barefoot. I do not talk
unauthorized on any hammie freqs like KC8LDO has attempted to claim on
several occasions. In fact, watching your communication technique, along
with all of Voobsies named faves, I am without a shadow of doubt
absolutely certain I am a more respectful operator than you or Lelnad,
and I most certainly violate less laws than N3CVJ has admitted breaking.
See, I talk skip,,,on 27 MHZ..which you already claimed is worse than
your pal's self-admitted pedophilia....end of story, and of what little
was left of your stained hammie reputation.