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  #19   Report Post  
Old August 20th 03, 02:30 AM
Posts: n/a

WA3MOJ seethed and hissed with:
You make the incorrect assumption I somehow care.
You do otherwise the statement about the

FCC database and addresses wouldn't have

been made

Again,,,enforcement and the claim of calling the feds was initiated by
your little group of lids,,I am merely mentioning the return of the

Ohhh shucks we will have to wait several


(shrug) Depends what Riley decides to do.
No you said we will see lelands name on the

rain report are you back peddling?


No,,I didn't say that at all,,,I asked you if you wanted to wager
it,,,,,,,,placing words in my mouth won't make it so,

=A0He may brush it aside.
Why if it is any type of violation why would he?

Priorities, Oh, you appear to be under the impression I meant
"ignore",,,,LOL,,,,,no, I promise you he will not ignore it. May take
some time, but it will be addressed. And that's a twisted
do you like me now? : )

He may just send you a letter,
I will bet you I don't get a leter from riley.


If you are who you say you are, I will hedge you are contacted by the
FCC for supplying an incorrect address.
=A0but I think he was advised, as a federal agency, to check with
another federal agency where your monthly
disability checks go,,,,,chances are the address they are mailed to is
real address
LOL too funny first I thought you didnt care

about my address? LOL see above.

You too.

2) I am not on disability, you fool i work

everday unlike you.

If you are WA3MOJ, you receive disability.

LOL yeah ok

Who's laughing now? LOL...
I am laughing so hard you can't imagine...

ROFLMAO please stop it is making

my sides hurt

Nervous laughter.
Let's see,,I am on the same ISP,,,
So am I dick face

You lost web2news same day Lelnad did. You going to deny it, Geogre?
Yes I have never ever had web2news, I told

your stupid ass that before. Your to dumb to


You also lied to the group and told them you didnt have AOL but several
have shown you do,,you slipped up several times,,its your main reason
you have such a hard-on for Sharky,,,,he was the first to prove you had
an aol account,,his sharp eye caught your screw up and you never did it
again, but your campaign of malice toward him had begun.

The lies were initiated by yourself, the moment you became nervous. You
alluded to how quiet it has been over the weekend,
Just because you can't understand dontt put

words in my mouth, I didnt say it was quiet in

here over the weekend, I said it has been

quiet in here lately.

Yes,,and it wasn't quiet in HERE at all,,,you made tons of posts, most
of them full of anger and cursing at several, and,Lelnad made a barrage
of angry posts,,,,see,,it's your communication deficit acting up
again,,has nothing to do with understanding you, and even if it did, you
have such a hard time with proper communication technique and effective
debate, it's your fault for not having the know-how to properly convey
what it is you think you're trying to say.

You assumed what you wanted, I never

alluded to that thats your brain storm.

No,,,YOU assumed,,,I KNEW you referred to in HERE when you said it was
quiet. It was an outright lie.