wrote in message
"Leland C. Scott" wrote:
"Cool Breeze" wrote in message
I tell him what i have to
thru this same old isp much faster and too
Don't wast you time. He'll just misquote you
try to bait you in to getting in to a flame
with him. The more attention you give him the
he tries to bait you along.
I've tried to be nice and sociable to you Lee.
That you have, and thank you for that Mopar.
However Twirted is another matter. I don't post
anything for a few days or a week and he goes off
the deep end posting some of his typical filth in
a vain attemp to stir up a flame war to satisfy
his need for attention. Well he got it alright,
the attention - web pages - Yahoo groups, but none
of it was my doings. I don't mind kicking back and
having a good chuckle at his expense from the
above, but if he thinks coming after me will do
anything about it, well he would do better by
figuring out who is really sticking it to him. So
far he's as clueless as always.
BTW did you get up to the Dream Cruise last
weekend? I was looking for you. If you did I was
one of the people under the twin set of canopy
tents in front of the apartment complex just north
of 12 Mile Road. Believe it or not everything was
up and running by last Friday night early Saturday
morning, shuttle buses etc. Gas stations were all
open, and no lines too.
Leland C. Scott
ARRL Member
NCI Member
Charter member of the
Lawrence Technological University
Wireless Society W8LTU
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin
of little minds."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Leland C. Scott
ARRL Member
NCI Member
Charter member of the
Lawrence Technological University
Wireless Society W8LTU