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August 20th 03, 04:07 PM
Posts: n/a
(Twistedhed) wrote: Exactly,,,but mentioning God
while harassing cbers for a true victimless crime (cite a single
victim,,,,,,,just one,, and the source, from freebanding activity) is
akin to blasphemy
Yeah, well nonpayment of taxes is a
victimless crime and plenty of people
go to jail and get fined for it.
Hmmm,,,how come you are having such a problem with yahoo? Why is it so
hard for someone obsessed with others obeying rules to obey rules
themselves? LOL,,,I'll tell ya' why,,'cause you;re not interested in
anything to do with obeying rules,,,,,you have a personal problem 'cause
I cleaned your filthy clock..LOL,,,and your behavor at getting tossed
from yahoo ona daily basis illustrates your sheer hypocrisy and low-self
Watching how hard you work all weekend and now how you bust your ass to
stay ahead of the yahoo TOS enforcers,,,LOL,,,,,llook at yourself,
breaking rules as fast as you can only o cry to another and have your
head handed to you on a platter,,,,LOL,,,sevres you right for
crossposting and looking for approval,,,Your self-esteem is so low,,,you
feel so destroyed and utterly useless and worthless that you were FORCED
to go in search of support,,,the desperation shines in your crossposted
attempts,,,hahaha,,,,it must be terrible to experience such feelings of
no self-worth.
assure you it IS possible to be issued
a NAL for "freebanding"
Not from what you are asking. The FCC MUST witness the violation,,,end
of story, you poor impotent, vaudevilleian-Lincoln logger.
and in the case
of one freebander, A.K.A. Twistedhed,
the wheels of justice are already in
Oh Brother, The one who can't manage to obey internet TOS and keep the
service for more than 12 hours is holding himself as "the wheels of
If he is a ham, so much the
worse for him.
LOL..what pain you experience,,,what pain,,,LMAO! You mean how much
worse for you,,,Look what I've done to you by merely talking about
freeband,,,LOL,,,you're a total loser.
Oh, but one thing is for certain,
weekends are going to be
quite interesting in Tampa Bay
from now on,
From now on? HAHAHA,,,,,,you have serious delusions that you are a
factor is another's wordl besides your own,(hint: You're impotent)
,,weekends have been interesting all my life....LOL!
one never knowing
if the boat one sees on the horizon
is just another fisherman,
or perhaps someone with
a video camera and radio
scanner collecting "evidence"?
"ONE" never knowing? LMAO..did you stop to think that "one" doesn't care
one iota?
Hahaha,,sure you did,,,it's what made you a stark raving lunatic..LOL.
There will always be with one
that little twinge of doubt,
Yea,,,,I'm so full of doubt, KC8LDO the self-professed ARRL rep scanned
and searched the internet for anything remotely related to "Twistedhed"
and forged me and many others bunches of times,,..he also found my
article I wrote about my freebanding activities complete with club
call,,,,LOL,,,,you've been an impotent failure for years,,,, paranoia
doesn't hold that oe write an articel on freebanding, sign it with my
email AND club call,,,LOL,,you lose ,,,as always! Hyuk!
chilly stab of paranoia.
=A0Never expereinced paranoia, When you;re in a position as I am where I
know practically every single licensed Captain in the county, there are
no strangers in my waters...never will be, either. If anyone at all
launched anywhere remotely near me, VHF would let me know way before
they were in eye-site.
A conscience which will not
go away is a terrible thing
Do tell from your widesprea experience of breaking and discarding rules
you chose to ignore while whining and crying about
Sociopaths have no conscience, so you have to clue me in....LOL!
Oh,,,appears your little cross-post backfired up you ass,
,LOL....terrible to be a habitual failure and magnificent loser when all
you touch trn to fecal matter....hahaha!
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