August 21st 03, 02:14 AM
From: (Cool=A0Breeze)
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
Yea? And what do you call the plethora of posts of you cursing all
I dont call
(snip) Dind't ask you what you "don't" refer them. Again, concentrate
really hard, and, taking into consideration YOUR comment (that you
snipped...LOL) about MY responses being "troll" posts,,I ask you
again,,,,what do you refer to all the posts directed toward myself over
the weekend? It's a simple question, but I do love watching you squirm
as if it was a shot of burning Penicillin being injected into your
lying, infected ass.....haha!.
call it whatever you like
I do,,but you ahve a problem with all I say or do with my life, as you
have none..LOL!