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Old August 21st 03, 03:31 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a

Handheld 27 MHz cb transceivers have two problems:
1) horribly inefficient antennas (very small compared to a quarter wave whip
which would be around 9 feet long)
2) even less efficient grounds (simply the capacitance between the handheld
and your hand. You act as the ground. Exceedingly inefficient. Range
would likely be no more than FRS and very likely less.
There is a possible 3rd problem. If BPL becomes a reality, expect your
range to be maybe 500 feet at most. I'm not kidding.

For license free, MURS would offer a detachable antenna and you would likely
have a 5 mile range to another handheld.

For real range, I don't see a real alternative to getting an amateur
license. The repeaters make up for the lack of height of your antenna.
I've taken my handheld to work here in Rochester, NY, and chatted during
lunch with hams in Toronto via a repeater. That is quite a few miles (check
a map). My reliable range is 30 miles to a repeater; from there I can
expect another 20 miles or so to another handheld and up to 60 additional
miles to a mobile. I have, when up on a high-rise locally, used repeaters
directly in Buffalo (60 miles) and opened a repeater in Pennsylvania
(probably over 100 miles away). Most repeaters have backup and will not
fail during a blackout. We have repeaters that are not even connected to
the mains (solar and wind powered). Although a test and license are
required, you can't touch that kind of distance nor reliability any other

73 from Rochester, NY

"andrei" wrote in message

I have a Motorola FRS (I am very happy with it) but it would not be
what I want in case of emergencies: I would need something which the
police would monitor so I could call for rescue if needed, I would
need something which would, for example, make it possible for me to
ask for the road conditions ahead, or simply monitor the channels used
by trucks and other to be aware of what is going on. The situation I
am most concerned about would be a massive evacuation of the Florida
coast in preparation for a hurricane.

Even the NOAA hurricane evacuation kit suggest the purchase of a
handheld & battery operated radio!

what do you think about these two models: the Cherokee AH-27F and, in
particular, the Midland 75-822 - both found he

Can you think of better models?


"Jim Hampton" wrote in message

If you want a license free handheld, you will be much better served with
either a MURS unit or (in a city) perhaps an FRS unit. MURS offers much
higher power (2 watts) than FRS and the antennas of either MURS or FRS

*far* more efficient than a handheld 27 MHz unit. Check out google

MURS_OPEN and ask them.

73 from Rochester, NY

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