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Old August 21st 03, 07:01 AM
Posts: n/a

I suggest looking for an HR-2600 or HR-2510 by President. Some have
hard mods allready done to them and some use a chipswitch. Both mods
have pros and cons, but the chipswitch is the best and most reliable.
If you find one stock, look for the chipswitch at
if it is still a live link. Or you can do the hard mods and find alot
of info by doing a search on Google

You may also may find one on eBay or Yahoo! auctions.

On 20 Aug 2003 21:11:08 GMT, (Galaxyelc) wrote:

I need some help,looking for a combination CB/HAM radio mobile,about 40 watts
out,AM/SSB,that is capable of coverage of at least 26.500 to 28.500 mhz,I DO
NOT like the RCI-2950/70 radios,any suggestions out there,the internet sites
don't list coverage after mod,and no where local to go,aany help would be