I cant tell, Cecil. The vertical feedline connects via a PL connector
into a balum. I'm not sure it is a balum. It just looks like a balum.
There is what looks like a second balum at the bottom of the feed
line, PL connectors at both ends, and then 70 feet of RG-8. Maybe the
first balum is a 4 to1 and the second a 1 to 1.Bought it from Radio
World. Actually I am very pleased with it. I just wondered why most
of my contacts are in the same area, to the North.
Win w0lz
On Sat, 13 Mar 2004 19:23:33 -0600, Cecil Moore
Winston wrote:
Cecil, I failed to say that it is a Carolina Windom. Would the
vertical radial alter the pattern significantly. The antenna runs East
and West with the long arm to the West.
Yes, that *does* change things. The Carolina Windom is somewhat like the
original windom, i.e. the vertical feedline is designed to carry common
mode currents and therefore radiate. This antenna could probably be
modeled as an off-center-fed dipole with an extra conductor hanging
down but I don't know which side the coax braid is connected to.
Do you know? Is the coax braid connected to the long side or the
short side?