Thread: Packet Ops
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Old August 22nd 03, 09:26 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Ham=A0Dat=A0Am)
Then I hope the guy who sold you the radio

pays the fine when the FCC nails you -- and

don't kid yourself -- they will.

Don't believe me

No. I don't, and neither does anyone else familiar with enforcement

-- see URL:

Odd. You make the collective claim that hammies do not break the law
then secure and post a link that shows the opposite.. (shrug)
These hammie violators were not "found",,they were reported. The FCC,
sir, despite your thoughts otherwise, do NOT patrol the streets and
highways and neighborhoods of the USA looking for that DXing cber or
freebanding cber or someone talking on 27 MHZ that shouldn't be there. I
will be more than happy to inform you of any other misconceptions you
may hold regarding FCC enforcement issues.