No, I am involved in a few - Uncle Jim's forum comes to mind - but that one
has been getting a bit 'strange' of late. I did answer a post concerning a
pot. The gentleman asked if it was the deviation control. I answered that
it was, but he wouldn't want to mess with it without a communications test
set. The problem is that excessive deviation on an FM radio will result in
distortion at the receiver. There are many services and many standards for
deviation. FM broadcasting uses much wider deviation that amateurs
(although amateurs do use wide band FM up on microwaves). The problem is
that too many folks simply want to state that it is "illegal", without
giving the background. This ends up as an insult to the person who posed
the question, and flames start and nothing positive results. Who really
wants distorted audio? I'm happy to try and answer questions concerning
antennas and grounding if I can - as well as other questions. I'm just not
interested in cutting someone off with the "it's illegal" answer. You know
as well as I that there are reasons for the rules. The reason is to make
communications compatible for those in a given service and to avoid
interference to other services so all of us can share a limited resource.
Of course, BPL can render all of this moot
73 from Rochester, NY
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