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Old August 23rd 03, 12:10 AM
Leland C. Scott
Posts: n/a

"sideband" wrote in message
So you're saying you never had a bignet account

in your name, but you
had access to a bignet account that you used.

Ah, its so refreshing to see somebody who actually
"thinks" on this group for once.

We're not going to
speculate as to whether the real owner knew you

were using it or not..

No need to do so. I'll bet you well aware of the
fact that its common nowadays for many people to
have Internet access through their employer. Since
the account is paid for and managed by my employer
it is their account, thus the factually correct
statement "not of mine" being correct.

As things worked out at the time the company was
using BigNet for Internet access we were in the
process of dumping the 20 plus year old Wang
minicomputer system. This was required because it
would have cost more to update the old accounting
software etc. for Y2K than it would cost for a new
computer system and software. Plus the old Wang
system was getting very hard to get serviced. The
new software required that the database run on one
server, but we had several locations across the US
we wanted to be able to access the system too.
However the ISDN line we were using was way too
slow to support the usage, and BigNet was unable
to supply us with the bandwidth we need. So we
dropped BigNet in favor of another ISP who
supplied us with a full T1 line connected to the
Internet. The change over took almost a year to
implement, converting from the old system,
training etc. Now we use Remote Terminal Services
that is built-in to Windows 2000 and XP to run the
software through a Linux box acting as a
gateway/proxy/ firewall, between our LAN and the

Twirt claims I had "my BigNet" account pulled.
Well that's really silly. I'm good friends with
the company's computer system/LAN administrator so
if there were any problems he would be the first
to know, and I would be the second. Of course it
would be stupid to do anything that resulted in
several hundred people losing their Internet
access, and hardly would go unnoticed. Since I
never received any comment about anything I did on
line, and there was no termination of service, the
only conclusion is Twirt is full of crap. Nothing
different from his normal misplaced accusations.

So as you can see everything has a normal everyday
explanation, nothing sinister or clandestine about
it. So once again Twirted has proved himself the
uneducated idiot that he is.

Leland C. Scott

ARRL Member
NCI Member

Charter member of the
Lawrence Technological University
Wireless Society W8LTU
"We cannot tell what may happen to us in the
strange medley of life. But we can decide
what happens in us - how we take it,
what we do with it - and that is what
really counts in the end."

Joseph Fort Newton