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Old August 23rd 03, 02:15 AM
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From: (Leland=A0C.=A0Scott)
"BigBill" wrote in message
news:H_p1b.225053$Ho3.29214@sccrnsc03... You are full of **** on all

Like they will go looking for two kids talking on the little walkie

No, but they will go after some dumb yo-yo

who can pay the $7500 fine to make an

example out of them.

Source? Example? Anything that brought you to the conclusion that the
FCC actually has a person ascertain WHICH person can afford the fine
and who can't? And how is this accomplished? And how do you claim
knowledge of such a fantastic lie? How is this done, Lelnad? By
subpoena of his tax returns? LOL,,you;re talking through your ass again
and the way you wish/want/hallucinate/need things to be,,not
reality.,,,,the problem that plagues you,,,detached from reality.

Make enough examples and the rest will get

the message.

How many is "enough"? Hammies have been getting popped for years and
years for the same infractions,,,,,,,,,,,appears they didn't "get the
message" you claim, despite thousands upon thousands of hammies that
have been cited. You lose again, lelnad.

How will they know if the ones that are talking
have a license or not. Are you going to sit on your
ass and type in all the call
letters and check it to see if they are good.

It happens all the time. It won't be the first time
somebody has looked me up on the FCC

ULS, while talking to them on the air, and

came back asking me if I'm so-and-so from

such-and-such place. In fact it happened just

a day or so ago when I was talking to a

station, on 2m sideband, in Cleveland from

Detroit during a tropo band opening. Others

have been caught bootlegging red-handed on

the Ham bands that way using BS callsigns or

"barrowed" callsigns.

But of course, you again have no example, nor can you cite one. More

Its funny when they can't

seem to remember their address, or the city

they live in.

Or the address they provided to the FCC.

Send the Walkie Talkie police to all the
National, state parks, Lakes,and
all the neighborhoods . This is a real bad thing.

It is.

O **** I scared.

So should your wallet.

Not everyone is as unfortunate as you and NO other hammie is as hung up
about cbers as you,,,,except Geogre and HH.


Leland C. Scott


ARRL Member

NCI Member

Charter member of the

Lawrence Technological University

Wireless Society W8LTU