Thread: Packet Ops
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Old August 23rd 03, 02:34 AM
Posts: n/a

From: (Ham=A0Dat=A0Am)
However the original poster Cindy indicated

she was in Tampa, FL and her e-mail address

substantiates that.

Her post also substantiated she was dooing NOTHING but inquiring of
something she knew to be taking place and/or heard, and in no manner did
she say, imply, or construe she would be breaking any law. Yet, the
knee-jerk reactions from the anal retentive instantly assumed her
intentions. They not only convicted her of breaking the law for a mere
question she posed concerning illegal activity that she may be listening
to, but faulted HER for attempting to get kids involed with hammie
radio, as if their is only one approach, "Their" approach. I've said it
time and time again, and it needs repeating,,,,,,, I find it extremely
ironic that a small minority of those licensed for communications, at
times express such a large deficit concerning such.