Thread: Twist
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Old August 24th 03, 06:56 PM
Keith Hosman
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
| jim wrote:
| Landshark wrote:
| "jim" wrote in message
| ...
| sideband wrote:
| Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello, Monty Python.. all equals in
| book with the Stooges.
| But then again, I've always had a varied and diverse sense of
| Hell, I was even laughing at (not with) voobie way back in the day.
| -SSB
| jim wrote:
| c'mon jim, the stooges have no equal....
| monty python can be lost by many yanks. its truly an acquired taste.
| moe larry and curly are it. otherwise its like van halen without dl
| roth
| Knights that go nit...................Monty Python
| is great.
| Landshark
| gives us your shrubbery.............
| Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more..
| --
| GO #40

"Your mother was a hamster and your father stank of elderberries, I fart in
your general direction."

"You wiper of other peoples bottoms"

ARRL Member - ARES