Sorry Ronny, =A0 you are confused.
Apparently not as confused as you, as my name isn't Ronny.
I never said I
was sending it to Riley.
I said I was sending it to the FCC.
My apologies, kind sir. Nevertheless, why not send it straight to the
Oh and BTW you don't think enforcement
cares or can catch anyone of you packet
racket fools?
Of course they don't give a damn about anything that goes down on 27
MHZ. Most realized that with the FCC abdication of enforcement there.
The only thing the FCC does is pacify some of you crusty, angry-types
who complain and complain about other ops until something is done. This
is a very big difference than the FCC "caring" or patrolling for such
=A0 Ask the guy in Miami how much his
equipment cost that was taken by the Federal
Marshalls a few years back.
=A0Why? What does the value of the confiscated radio equipment have to
do with the FCC "caring" about 27 MHZ illegal activity. He was warned
prior to his problems he self-created. But you may inquire and find you
will, that the incident you speak of, was a reported incident, not one
where the FCC was patrolling for scofflaws and merely "happened" upon
Caught up to him right in the middle of that
packet burst to the Frency BBS.
He deserved it. He was warned.
You people are idiots. Why don't you just get
your 'hammie' license and do it legal?
=A0=A0What does having a license have to do with it?
The only "idiots" are the ones who continue to
be of the incorrect and fixated mindset that
hammies don't freeband or break the law.
Again, check the rainreport.
Miss the
thrill of never knowing when there will be a
knock on the door?
Has nothing to do with anything you speak.
Im people are IDIOTS.
=A0=A0Idiots are those who fail to comprehend that another may actually
have differing interests than those of yourself. If you can't understand may indeed be another with a call sign expressing the
peculiar need to undermine his license. Lack of communication and debate
skill can be illustrated no better than by unprovoked insult. Ironic
that some, not unlike yourself, hold that a license is the deciding
factor between good guy/bad guy or idiot/genius, especially when
difficulty expressing communications without insult that effectively
convey your message is evident. Are you a member of this "ARRL", too,